American Civil War Round Table of Australia

American Civil War RT NSW


Meetings are usually held on a Tuesday at 7.00 pm. Members meet for bistro style meal about 6:00 pm. Every meeting includes an opportunity for members to briefly speak about recent interests and observations.
Venue: Magpies Club, 11 – 37 Alexandria Parade, Waitara NSW 2077 – easy access from station. Parking underneath.

 Click here for paper   Highlights
December 3 2024   Year end Function
October 15 2024    
August 20 2024    
June 18 2024   2nd Manassas; General John Pope; Corinth; General Henry Halleck
Tues April 16 2024   General Fremont (by Bob Carr), The Seven Days, A surprise
Tues, February 20 2024
  1862 – The Peninsula Campaign; and Jackson’s Valley Campaign
Weds December 6 2023   Year-end function – booking required
Tues October 17 2023   1862 – happenings in both the East and the West. Fort Pulaski, New Orleans and The Peninsular Campaign (near Richmond)
Tues August 22 2023   1862 – Western Theatre continued & Battle of Shiloh; CW Art works; and New Orleans
June 19 2023   1862 – Gen. George McClelland; Fort Henry and Fort Donelson; USS Monitor and CSS Virginia
April 17 2023   1861 – Battle of Ball’s Bluff, Anaconda Plan, and Trent Affair
February 20 2023   1861 – Opening stages of the War
November 28 2022   Year-end function
October 10 2022   Siege of Petersburg
August 8 2022   Secession – Was it Illegal or Legal?
June 6 2022   Bob Carr: A House Divided – Today’s America
April 11 2022   Honoring Len Traynor – in conversation with Dr Gordon Jones
February 28 2022   An evening with Dr Gordon Jones, Senior Military Historian and Curator at Atlanta History Center, Georgia
February 21 2022   Mexico before and after the Civil War (Zoom meeting)
November 29 2021   Christmas function
October 11 2021   Little Known Aspects of Soldier Life in the Civil War (Zoom meeting)
August 9 2021   The Enlightenment and the Civil War (Zoom meeting)
June 7 2021  

Bleeding Kansas as Fake News

April 12 2021  

Civil War submariners – valor or suicide

February 15 2021   Military impressment and the exploitation of boys and youths
November 23 2020   Christmas function – live!
September 21 2020   Women in the Civil War (Zoom meeting)
August 3 2020   War gaming Chickamauga (Zoom meeting)
June 1 2020   Epidemics (Infectious Disease) in the Civil War (Zoom meeting)
February 17 2020   The Iron Brigade
November 25 2019   Christmas function
September 16 2019   Anaesthetics in the Civil War
July 22 2019   Atlanta to the Sea and a few interesting sidelines – Tour June 2019
June 3 2019   Coastal Operations
April 8 2019   The Cavalry
February 18 2019   Diplomacy during the Civil War
November 26 2018   Christmas function – with talk from our Hon Life Member Len Traynor
October 8 2018   Roadtest: 1) First English settlers, and 2) Thomas Jefferson
August 6 2018   Lawyers at War (continued)
June 4 2018   Kennesaw Mountain (part of Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign)
April 16 2018   Prisoners of War
February 19 2018   The astonishing purpose-built River Ironclads
December 4 2017   Christmas Function – Guest speaker: Frances Clark
October 9 2017   Lawyers at War: Lincoln, Taney and the Supreme Court
August 14 2017   Snapshots from Western Theater Tour
June 13 2017   Visit of USS Kearsarge to Sydney in 1869 with Dr R M “Mick” Bedard
May 1 2017   Bob Carr: How My Interest in the Civil War Began – click on Facebook Event to indicate “Going”
February 13 2017   The Western Theater of the Civil War
November 28 2016   Christmas function
September 12 2016   Music in the Civil War
July 4 2016   Snapshots from Eastern Theater Tour
May 2 2016   1961 Perspective – Causes of the Civil War
March 7 2016   Lessons not learned from the Civil War
November 30 2015   Christmas function – “Some Christmas Traditions during American Civil War
September 14 2015   The Election of 1860 – the most momentous presidential election in United States History
July 20 2015   Appomattox – In their own words
May 11 2015   Abraham Lincoln – The Consummate Politician
March 16 2015   What is Abraham Lincoln’s contribution to America? Discussion leader: Bruce Dennett
December 1 2014   Christmas function
October 13 2014   Civil War Naval Operations … with special guest speaker Wayne Rowe, recently retired Head of Reference Services at the US Naval War College, former Professor of the Civil War elective, and Past-President and current member of the Rhode Island CWRT
September 8 2014   Tennessee Civil War battlefield parks/sites
June 2 2014   Fredericksburg – the town’s place in history AND Gaming the Civil War – wargamming Picket-type Charge demonstartion
March 10 2014   The Sinews of War – Funding and Supplies
December 6 2013   Christmas function (6pm for 7pm)
October 28 2013   Civil War Medicine – They did their Best … with special guest speaker R M “Mick” Bedard, MD (Link)
September 9 2013   “Waltzing Dixie” – Thomas Meagher and John Mitchel in Ireland, Australia & America – “Waltzing Dixie” by Paula Astridge
July 15 2013   After Gettysburg and How the war was remembered
May 20 2013   The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Canby, Sibley and New Mexico
March 18 2013   Special guest speaker Ed Bearrs – click here to go to his Wikipedia profile
November 30 2012   Christmas function (6.30 start)
September 24 2012   The Northern Homefront – Economy and Republican legislation – Discussion leader: Bruce Dennett
July 23 2012   Special guest speaker Daniel W. Stowell (Director, The Papers of Abraham Lincoln,
May 21 2012   The Northern Homefront – Politics
March 19 2012   Show and Tell – members presentations
December 5 2011   Christmas function – Roseville club
October 31 2011   A social history of antebellum North Carolina
August 15 2011   Military Intelligence in the Civil War – link to (now Senator) Bob Carr blog about this meeting
May 16 2011   The Letters of Robert E Lee
March 7 2011   Fort Pillow explored – panel
January 30 2011   CSS Shenandoah with Sam Craghead – 2.30 at National Maritime Museum, Darling Harbour
December 10 2010   Christmas party and Annual General Meeting – Roseville, 6.30pm
October 25 2010   In Defence of George McClellan
August 28 2010   Garage Sale of Civil War books & magazines
August 23 2010   Defenders in the Hornets’ Nest
May 17 2010   Forget the North – the South, Helped along by Hollywod, Won the Civil War!
February 22 2010   Guest speaker Len Traynor: The evolution of service and gallantry medals from Civil War times
November 20 2009   Annual General Meeting – 7.00pm Roseville Memorial Club
September 28 2009   The Historical Pedant’s Guide to the Movie “Gettysburg” and “Taps” – The Story behind the Bugle Call
July 6 2009   A Confederate View of Abraham Lincoln
May 4 2009   The Ballard of Blind Tom
February 9 2009   Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief
October 20 2008   The tragedy of the crater
September 29 2008   Liverpool, UK and the American Civil War – Guest Speaker: Jerry Williams, UK
August 18 2008   The Haunting Mystery of A P Hill
June 23 2008   Would the real Gen. McClelland stand up? and George McClelland failed battlefield commander or worse?
April 7 2008   From Scavenger to Curator – Jack Melton, Jnr, member of Atlanta ACWRT
February 25 2008   Who was the Civil War’s Premier Cavalry Commander?
November 30 2007   Christmas Function and AGM
November 12 2007   Will the Real Abe Lincoln Stand Up? and Lincoln – The Devil Incarnate – A Southern Perspective
September 10 2007   Lincoln – Lessons on Leadership, and, The Gettysburg Address
July 9 2007   Lincoln – The Man and the Myth
June 18 2007   Lincoln – The Great Emancipator
May 14 2007   A Surprise Nomination: Lincoln’s Path to the Presidency
April 16 2007   Trivia Quiz Night
March 12 2007   Spotsylvania Courthouse – The clash of Grant and Lee at the Crossroads
February 12 2007   The Forgotten Hero: Major General George Thomas – The Rock of Chickamauga
November 24 2006   Special Christmas Function
October 25 2006   The Civil War – Whose side was God on?
August 23 2006   John Singleton Mosby – The Grey Ghost
June 28 2006   One Promotion Too Many: A P Hill and One of the Best Younger Officers: Edward Porter Alexander
April 8 2006   Conference – Appomatox and Beyond
February 22 2006   “Taps” – The fascinating story behind the bugle call
December 5 2005   Demobilisation after America’s Civil War
November 25 2005   End of year / Christmas function
October 10 2005   Homeward Bound – The Demobilisation of the Armies
August 8 2005   Sex in the Civil War – a medical perspective
June 6 2005   They each left their unique mark on Civil War history – Judson Kilpatrick, Earl van Dorn, and George Pickett!
May 29 2005   Memorial Day Commemoration Service, Waverley Cemetery 1:00 pm
April 11 2005   The Gaint Civil War Quiz with Len Traynor as Quizmaster
February 7 2005   John Quarstein from Virginia War Museum: The Penninsular Campaign 1862
January 19 2005   Special meeting – an Evening with Roger and Elaine Dixon
December 2004   Neither an exact science nor an oxymoron –  Military intelligence during America’s Civil War
October 2004   Joseph E Johnson’s generalship during the Atlanta campaign
August 2004   A conviction set to action – Motivation and methods behind the underground railway
June 2004   Forum – What caused the War – Southern and Northern perspectives
April 2004   George Armstrong Custer – American hero or just a fool?
February 2004   General Officers of the Union and Confederate armies
December 2003   Whose side was God on?
October 2003   Medical services at the time of America’s Civil War
August 2003   Patrick R Cleburne “Stonewall Jackson of the West” His Civil War
June 2003   Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain – more than just the hero of Little Round Top
April 2003   Murder at Fort Pillow – A Confederate and Federal perspective
February 2003   What were the women doing when the men were fighting?
October 2002   West Point classmates – Civil War enemies
August 2002   Civil War veterans in Australia
June 2002   Prelude to the War
April 2002   Lessons in leadership – General John B Hood CSA
February 2002   Grant – The uncaring drunken butcher?
March 2001   Fort Donelson – Just who is running the show?
February 2001   James Longstreet – Lee’s tarnished or untarnished Lieutenant?